
Thursday, June 24, 2010

:: HTML Elements Part 2 ::

In this lecture , I would like to discuss about the <body> tags . There are many attributes can be applied in the <body> tags . These attributes will be added in start tag / opening tag <body> tag . Do not forget to include the values.. The coding should have both attribute/s and value/s.These attributes are optional. If you do not want to use any attribute , you can use the basic <body> tags.(<body></body>)

For example:

<title> The second lesson</title>
<body background = "image.jpg "> This is the contain of body </body>

Below are the list of attributes and values that can be added in start tag / opening tag <body> tag .

Optional Attributes

The <body> tag supports the following optional attributes:

Attribute Value Description
alink rgb(x,x,x)
Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies the color of an active link in a document
background URL Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies a background image for a document
bgcolor rgb(x,x,x)
Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies the background color of a document
link rgb(x,x,x)
Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies the default color of unvisited links in a document
text rgb(x,x,x)
Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies the color of the text in a document
vlink rgb(x,x,x)
Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies the color of the visited links in a document

Standard Attributes

The <body> tag supports the following standard attributes:

Attribute Value Description
class classname Specifies a classname for an element
dir rtl
Specifies the text direction for the content in an element
id id Specifies a unique id for an element
lang language_code Specifies a language code for the content in an element
style style_definition Specifies an inline style for an element
title text Specifies extra information about an element
xml:lang language_code Specifies a language code for the content in an element, in XHTML documents

Event Attributes

The <body> tag supports the following event attributes:

Attribute Value Description
onclick script Script to be run on a mouse click
ondblclick script Script to be run on a mouse double-click
onload script Script to be run when a document load
onmousedown script Script to be run when mouse button is pressed
onmousemove script Script to be run when mouse pointer moves
onmouseout script Script to be run when mouse pointer moves out of an element
onmouseover script Script to be run when mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseup script Script to be run when mouse button is released
onkeydown script Script to be run when a key is pressed
onkeypress script Script to be run when a key is pressed and released
onkeyup script Script to be run when a key is released
onunload script Script to be run when a document unload

*I am not recommend users to use standard and event attributes..Its make complicated.I just want to show the attributes that available for start tag / opening tag <body> tag .

Briefly , the codings should be formulated in this form <body attribute = "value "> .For example <body background = "image.jpg ">.