
Sunday, June 27, 2010

:: HTML Elements Part 5 ::

HTML Formatting Tags

To making your website more attractive , you need HTML Formatting Tags. There are many HTML Formatting Tags was provided in HTML Documents. HTML uses tags like <b> and <i> for formatting output, like bold or italic text.These HTML tags are called formatting tags.

HTML Text Formatting Tags

Tag Description
<b> Defines bold text
<big> Defines big text
<em> Defines emphasized text
<i> Defines italic text
<small> Defines small text
<strong> Defines strong text
<sub> Defines subscripted text
<sup> Defines superscripted text
<ins> Defines inserted text
<del> Defines deleted text

HTML Computer Output Tags

Tag Description
<code> Defines computer code text
<kbd> Defines keyboard text
<samp> Defines sample computer code
<tt> Defines teletype text
<var> Defines a variable
<pre> Defines preformatted text

HTML Citation,Quotation and Definition Tags

Tag Description
<abbr> Defines an abbreviation
<acronym> Defines an acronym
<address> Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document
<bdo> Defines the text direction
<blockqoute> Defines a long quotation
<q> Defines a short quotation
<cite> Defines a citation
<dfn> Defines a definition term

For example :

<title> The fifth lesson </title>
<b>This is a bold text </b>

To better understanding , you should try all these tags. But remember all these tags requires start and end tags !!